


リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
serenity 243 12037 C++ The Serenity Operating System 🐞
nocodb 699 8399 Vue 🔥 🔥 The Open Source Airtable alternative
winget-cli 477 12603 C++ Windows Package Manager CLI (aka winget)
discord.js 82 11954 JavaScript A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
free-programming-books 727 190202 undefined 📚 Freely available programming books
CS-Notes 283 129819 Java 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计
rust 167 55543 Rust Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
winget-pkgs 235 3879 PowerShell The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
openwrt 78 8752 C This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins or for reporting issues. We will continue to accept Pull Requests he
Web-Dev-For-Beginners 549 24754 JavaScript 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
coding-interview-university 698 173491 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
computer-science 479 86107 undefined 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
PwnedPasswordsCloudflareWorker 165 227 JavaScript
pokegb 292 306 C++ A gameboy emulator that only plays Pokemon Blue, in ~70 lines of c++.
gdu 131 799 Go Disk usage analyzer with console interface written in Go
awesome-alternatives-in-rust 181 1314 Rust A curated list of replacements for existing software written in Rust
books 65 9971 undefined 【编程随想】收藏的电子书清单(多个学科,含下载链接)
PwnedPasswordsAzureFunction 337 492 C# APIs for the k-anonymity Pwned Passwords implementation
discord-buttons 90 143 JavaScript A discord.js api for the discord buttons
BlackDex 445 803 Java BlackDex is an Android unpack tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phones or emulators, you can unpack APK File in several seco
esp8266_deauther 152 8428 C Affordable WiFi hacking platform for testing and learning
sysopsquad 54 63 undefined The Sysops Squad Architectural Kata
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts 418 34585 Java 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!
pyWhat 556 1409 Python 🐸 Identify anything. pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it’ll tell you what it is! 🧙‍♀️
educative.io_courses 136 1724 undefined this is downloadings of all free student subscription courses as pdf from GitHub student pack



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
nocodb 839 7716 Vue 🔥 🔥 The Open Source Airtable alternative
coding-interview-university 1175 172834 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
secguide 269 3783 undefined 面向开发人员梳理的代码安全指南
free-programming-books 409 189878 undefined 📚 Freely available programming books
computer-science 700 85645 undefined 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts 235 34405 Java 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!
BlackDex 209 556 Java BlackDex is an Android unpack tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phones or emulators, you can unpack APK File in several seco
bunken 94 227 JavaScript A chrome extension to download ebooks directly from Goodreads.
leetcode 243 5192 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
WeatherTwentyOne 48 365 C#
pyWhat 390 1234 Python 🐸 Identify anything. pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it’ll tell you what it is! 🧙‍♀️
netdata 164 54582 C Real-time performance monitoring, done right!
Awesome-Visual-Transformer 45 1204 undefined Collect some papers about transformer with vision. Awesome Transformer with Computer Vision (CV)
react 207 25180 JavaScript Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
mimikatz 107 12608 C A little tool to play with Windows security
SpringAll 93 20389 Java 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
airbyte 89 2880 Java Airbyte is an open-source EL(T) platform that helps you replicate your data in your warehouses, lakes and databases.
serenity 568 11801 C++ The Serenity Operating System 🐞
jd28 50 289 JavaScript
leafmap 303 496 Python A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
terminal 292 74511 C++ The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
awesome-privacy 603 2371 undefined Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
slidev 256 10906 TypeScript Presentation Slides for Developers (Beta)
spug 51 6014 JavaScript 开源运维平台:面向中小型企业设计的轻量级无Agent的自动化运维平台,整合了主机管理、主机批量执行、主机在线终端、文件在线上传下载、应用发布部署、在线任务计划、配置中心、监控、报警等一系列功能。
react-resume-site 53 389 TypeScript 木及简历










リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
coding-interview-university 695 172139 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
SpringAll 147 20325 Java 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
jd28 54 253 JavaScript
discord.js 83 11819 JavaScript A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
winget-pkgs 103 3681 PowerShell The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts 358 34232 Java 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!
awesome-privacy 316 1985 undefined Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
Web-Dev-For-Beginners 455 24243 JavaScript 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
BlackDex 181 403 Java BlackDex is an Android unpack tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phones or emulators, you can unpack APK File in several seco
weekly 75 12786 JavaScript 前端精读周刊。帮你理解最前沿、实用的技术。
leetcode 279 5029 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
pyWhat 346 993 Python 🐸 Identify anything. pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it’ll tell you what it is! 🧙‍♀️
secguide 797 3529 undefined 面向开发人员梳理的代码安全指南
awesome-cs-books 98 5125 undefined 经典编程书籍大全,涵盖:计算机系统与网络、系统架构、算法与数据结构、前端开发、后端开发、移动开发、数据库、测试、项目与团队、程序员职业修炼、求职面试等
daisyui 194 1701 Vue ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  Tailwind Components
computer-science 465 85246 undefined 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
AI-Expert-Roadmap 486 11905 JavaScript Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2021
winget-cli 166 12193 C++ Windows Package Manager CLI (aka winget)
free-programming-books 314 189616 undefined 📚 Freely available programming books
WeatherTwentyOne 100 337 C#
awesome-quant 95 6836 Python A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance)
leafmap 146 311 Python A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment
design-resources-for-developers 214 29221 undefined Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
siam-mot 75 177 Python SiamMOT: Siamese Multi-Object Tracking
mkcert 167 30119 Go A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you’d like.



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
dogecoin 272 11389 C++ very currency
SpringAll 143 19955 Java 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
secguide 651 2031 undefined 面向开发人员梳理的代码安全指南
dl-visuals 194 644 undefined Over 200 figures and diagrams of the most popular deep learning architectures and layers FREE TO USE in your blog posts, slides, presentations, or papers.
leetcode 262 4444 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
rustdesk 208 3776 Rust The best open source remote desktop client software
mkcert 265 29773 Go A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you’d like.
livego 157 6106 Go live video streaming server in golang
code-server 219 44033 TypeScript VS Code in the browser
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts 110 33416 Java 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注! 51 328 HTML official repo for
system-design-primer 172 132950 Python Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
AI-Expert-Roadmap 259 11037 JavaScript Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2021
pyWhat 220 358 Python 🐸 Identify anything. pyWhat easily lets you identify emails, IP addresses, and more. Feed it a .pcap file or some text and it’ll tell you what it is! 🧙‍♀️
free-programming-books 292 189022 undefined 📚 Freely available programming books
appwrite 423 8711 JavaScript Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀
wg-easy 249 667 HTML The easiest way to run WireGuard VPN + Web-based Admin UI.
discord.js 78 11690 JavaScript A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
graphiql 63 12230 TypeScript GraphiQL & the GraphQL LSP Reference Ecosystem for building browser & IDE tools.
daisyui 166 1329 Vue ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  Tailwind Components
openhaystack 115 2724 Swift Build your own ‘AirTags’ 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple’s massive Find My network.
awesome-privacy 312 1095 undefined Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
design-resources-for-developers 182 28797 undefined Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
ethereumbook 97 9007 JavaScript Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
Vulnerability 166 1370 undefined 此项目将不定期从棱角社区对外进行公布一些最新漏洞。



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
appwrite 349 8292 JavaScript Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀
SNKRX 85 555 Lua A replayable arcade shooter where you control a snake of heroes.
code-server 299 43827 TypeScript VS Code in the browser
104 2879 Java 停车场系统源码,停车场小程序,智能停车,Parking system,【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持app上查询附近停车
Vulnerability 132 1205 undefined 此项目将不定期从棱角社区对外进行公布一些最新漏洞。
livego 233 5954 Go live video streaming server in golang
pwn-my 131 258 JavaScript iOS 14.5 WebKit/Safari based Jailbreak
greykite 202 740 Python A flexible, intuitive and fast forecasting library
typescript-solid-architecture 53 116 TypeScript
teach_yourself_demoscene_in_14_days 64 1578 undefined guidebook idea from
ipatool 85 270 Swift Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
v8-internals 65 650 Python 面向编译器开发人员的V8内部实现文档
threejs-scroll-animation-demo 114 413 HTML 3D Scrolling Portfolio Website with Three.js
rustdesk 357 3578 Rust The best open source remote desktop client software
awesome-software-architecture 493 3198 undefined A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
OpenCorePkg 21 7282 C OpenCore bootloader
leetcode 102 4191 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
jd_sign_bot 26 3945 undefined 京东签到机器人
consul 101 22181 Go Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
CleanArchitecture 152 1166 C# Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
SpringAll 56 19815 Java 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
beautiful-docs 132 6086 undefined Pointers to useful, well-written, and otherwise beautiful documentation.
Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp 93 15995 Jupyter Notebook Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
youki 169 779 Rust An experimental container runtime written in Rust
BILIBILI-HELPER 67 2794 Java B站,哔哩哔哩(Bilibili)自动签到投币工具,每天轻松获取65经验值,支持每日自动投币,银瓜子兑换硬币,领取大会员福利,大会员月底给自己充电等功能。呐!赶快和我一起成为Lv6吧!



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
iptv 408 33492 JavaScript Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
rustdesk 418 3236 Rust The best open source remote desktop client software
youki 117 625 Rust An experimental container runtime written in Rust
code-server 297 43545 TypeScript VS Code in the browser
system-design-primer 192 132575 Python Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
JUCE 95 3177 C++ JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, RTAS and AAX audio plug-ins.
livego 252 5729 Go live video streaming server in golang
maui 102 9765 C# .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
awesome-software-architecture 529 2731 undefined A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
SNKRX 162 471 Lua A replayable arcade shooter where you control a snake of heroes.
appwrite 262 7952 JavaScript Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀
discord.js 54 11561 JavaScript A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp 53 15906 Jupyter Notebook Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
ethereumbook 135 8795 JavaScript Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
Binance-volatility-trading-bot 83 1537 Python This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that measures the volatility of every coin on Binance and places trades with the highest gaining coins If you like this project consider donating though
ZLMediaKit 181 3867 C++ A lightweight RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/WebRTC server and client framework based on C++11
threejs-scroll-animation-demo 124 305 HTML 3D Scrolling Portfolio Website with Three.js
fairseq 163 12667 Python Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
Python 62 22830 Python My Python Examples
core 143 43107 Python 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
daisyui 231 940 Vue ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  Tailwind Components
Amazon-starter-template-nextjs 26 155 JavaScript This is the Official Starter template for the AMAZON 5 Day challenge (The SECRET Challenge!) - Next.js
lx-music-desktop 43 11716 JavaScript 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件
rich 159 26057 Python Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code 158 5623 undefined 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
iptv 725 33109 JavaScript Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
fairseq 134 12519 Python Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
84 2598 Java 停车场系统源码,停车场小程序,智能停车,Parking system,【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持app上查询附近停车
ninjabot 134 534 Go A fast cryptocurrency bot implemented in Go
maui 306 9674 C# .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
livego 142 5482 Go live video streaming server in golang
rustdesk 212 2818 Rust The best open source remote desktop client software
vaccipy 32 143 Python Automatische Terminbuchung für den Corona Impfterminservice.
threejs-scroll-animation-demo 116 182 HTML 3D Scrolling Portfolio Website with Three.js
awesome-software-architecture 526 2186 undefined A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
OpenCorePkg 48 7244 C OpenCore bootloader
appwrite 326 7701 JavaScript Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀
JUCE 119 3088 C++ JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, RTAS and AAX audio plug-ins.
CleanArchitecture 108 957 C# Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.
500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code 166 5476 undefined 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
lx-music-mobile 54 240 JavaScript 一个基于 React native 开发的音乐软件。
Native-Youtube 88 216 Swift Personal App that turned into “alpha released app”
SimuLand 71 314 PowerShell Understand adversary tradecraft and improve detection strategies
Depix 122 18927 Python Recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots
code-server 179 43276 TypeScript VS Code in the browser
handson-ml2 54 15269 Jupyter Notebook A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
RsaCtfTool 57 2393 Python RSA attack tool (mainly for ctf) - retreive private key from weak public key and/or uncipher data
Amazon-starter-template-nextjs 61 130 JavaScript This is the Official Starter template for the AMAZON 5 Day challenge (The SECRET Challenge!) - Next.js
Python-100-Days 91 103844 Python Python - 100天从新手到大师
ZLMediaKit 239 3702 C++ A lightweight RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/WebRTC server and client framework based on C++11



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
minio 124 27756 Go High Performance, Kubernetes Native Object Storage
googletest 149 22427 C++ GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
maui 212 9562 C# .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
awesome-software-architecture 1021 1706 undefined A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
iptv 445 32805 JavaScript Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
ZLMediaKit 116 3476 C++ A lightweight RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/WebRTC server and client framework based on C++11
PrisonersDilemmaTournament 97 187 Python Watch This Place’s awesome video about iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma for context!
500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code 279 5321 undefined 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
fairseq 261 12395 Python Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
Native-Youtube 43 130 Swift Personal APp
JUCE 91 2986 C++ JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, RTAS and AAX audio plug-ins.
appwrite 331 7393 JavaScript Appwrite is a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that is packaged as a set of Docker containers for easy deployment 🚀
flutter 195 120960 Dart Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
vue-vben-admin 68 4119 Vue ✨ ✨ ✨ A vue3 style Admin based on Vite2, vue3.0, ant-design-vue 2.x, typescript,vuex,vue-router,Efforts to update in progress…
146 2515 Java 停车场系统源码,停车场小程序,智能停车,Parking system,【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持app上查询附近停车
lx-music-mobile 63 189 JavaScript 一个基于 React native 开发的音乐软件。
Python 105 22711 Python My Python Examples
awesome-compose 147 11279 HTML Awesome Docker Compose samples
Python-100-Days 154 103758 Python Python - 100天从新手到大师
impf-botpy 43 91 Python Impf 🐍⚡ – Automatisierung für den Corona ImpfterminService Bot
vault 287 20990 Go A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
WeChat_Big_Data_Challenge 28 134 Python
go 159 85929 Go The Go programming language
react-native 126 95567 JavaScript A framework for building native apps with React.
Amazon-starter-template-nextjs 39 75 JavaScript This is the Official Starter template for the AMAZON 5 Day challenge (The SECRET Challenge!) - Next.js













リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
doctoshotgun 82 213 Python Script to automatically book a vaccine slot on Doctolib for today or tomorrow, following rules from the French Government.
googletest 98 22342 C++ GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
onnx 104 10622 C++ Open standard for machine learning interoperability
maui 91 9449 C# .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
covid19india-react 130 6314 JavaScript Tracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
edex-ui 195 32435 JavaScript A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
76 2412 Java 停车场系统源码,停车场小程序,智能停车,Parking system,【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持app上查询附近停车
PrisonersDilemmaTournament 48 129 Python Watch This Place’s awesome video about iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma for context!
500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code 105 5141 undefined 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
iptv 325 32522 JavaScript Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
dogehouse 134 8932 TypeScript Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀
awesome-software-architecture 651 1085 undefined A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
iosched 42 20435 Kotlin The Google I/O Android App
semana-javascript-expert04 107 666 JavaScript Todas as aulas da Semana JS Expert 4.0 - ClubHouse Clone
TypeScript 64 71157 TypeScript TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
pytorchvideo 132 1085 Python A deep learning library for video understanding research.
spark 48 29840 Scala Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
parcel 130 38313 JavaScript 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
Python-100-Days 130 103672 Python Python - 100天从新手到大师
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit-zh 243 5358 undefined 程序员应该访问的最佳网站中文版
java-design-patterns 145 66938 Java Design patterns implemented in Java
leetcode-master 132 9810 undefined LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
kong 96 29148 Lua 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
surge 42 1615 JavaScript Some useful scripts.
erpnext 141 8531 Python World’s best free and open source ERP.






リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
dogehouse 118 8815 TypeScript Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀
googletest 88 22250 C++ GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
uCodeDisasm 33 169 Python
onnx 111 10524 C++ Open standard for machine learning interoperability
fastlane 239 32235 Ruby 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
java-design-patterns 221 66810 Java Design patterns implemented in Java
doctoshotgun 31 132 Python Script to automatically book a vaccine slot on Doctolib for today or tomorrow, following rules from the French Government.
aspnetcore 395 24121 C# ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
restyle-encoder 63 393 Python Official Implementation for “ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative Refinement”
reaqtor 75 240 C# Reaqtor is a framework for reliable, stateful, distributed, and scalable event processing based on Rx.
awesome-compose 123 11056 HTML Awesome Docker Compose samples
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit-zh 276 5125 undefined 程序员应该访问的最佳网站中文版
photobooth 83 340 Dart Google I/O 2021 Photo Booth built with Flutter and Firebase
semana-javascript-expert04 112 559 JavaScript Todas as aulas da Semana JS Expert 4.0 - ClubHouse Clone
ClickHouse 154 16359 C++ ClickHouse® is a free analytics DBMS for big data
flutter 154 120725 Dart Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
Python 242 107743 Python All Algorithms implemented in Python
pytorch-image-models 79 10065 Python PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights – ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV2, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more
pool-reference 61 188 Python
kind 72 7861 Go Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
covid19india-react 96 6182 JavaScript Tracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
Python-100-Days 84 103550 Python Python - 100天从新手到大师
awesome-software-architecture 245 428 undefined A curated list of awesome articles and resources to learn and practice about software architecture, patterns, and principles.
minio 55 27536 Go High Performance, Kubernetes Native Object Storage
ZLMediaKit 85 3289 C++ A lightweight RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/WebRTC server and client framework based on C++11



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
java-design-patterns 232 66601 Java Design patterns implemented in Java
covid19india-react 114 6096 JavaScript Tracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
googletest 106 22169 C++ GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
edex-ui 393 32016 JavaScript A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
CVE-2021-31166 112 505 Python Proof of concept for CVE-2021-31166, a remote HTTP.sys use-after-free triggered remotely.
semana-javascript-expert04 117 459 JavaScript Todas as aulas da Semana JS Expert 4.0 - ClubHouse Clone
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit-zh 295 4856 undefined 程序员应该访问的最佳网站中文版
PythonDataScienceHandbook 148 29493 Jupyter Notebook Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
substrate 66 4818 Rust Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators
sqlfluff 99 1184 Python A SQL linter and auto-formatter for Humans
Python 298 107526 Python All Algorithms implemented in Python
pool-reference 54 132 Python
next.js 319 67627 JavaScript The React Framework
spicetify-themes 42 2161 CSS A community-driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify (
leetcode-master 148 9444 undefined LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
quarkus 41 7716 Java Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java.
onnx 60 10404 C++ Open standard for machine learning interoperability
ClickHouse 160 16214 C++ ClickHouse® is a free analytics DBMS for big data
three.js 134 70799 JavaScript JavaScript 3D Library.
fairlearn 68 866 Python A Python package to assess and improve fairness of machine learning models.
Front-End-Checklist 244 52704 undefined 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
spark 60 29747 Scala Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
Project_CodeNet 66 673 Python This repository is to support contributions for tools for the Project CodeNet dataset hosted in DAX
fastlane 194 32029 Ruby 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
linux 145 112026 C Linux kernel source tree



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
java-design-patterns 264 66384 Java Design patterns implemented in Java
lima 312 1969 Go Lima: Linux-on-Mac (“macOS subsystem for Linux”, “containerd for Mac”)
pool-reference 46 80 Python
pytorch-image-models 93 9872 Python PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights – ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV2, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more
Python 238 107259 Python All Algorithms implemented in Python
bee 69 327 Go Bee is a Swarm client implemented in Go. It’s the basic building block for the Swarm network: a private; decentralized; censorship-resistant and self-sustaining network for storing your (application)
substrate 90 4758 Rust Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit-zh 390 4575 undefined 程序员应该访问的最佳网站中文版
awesome-python 231 98417 Python A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
Front-End-Checklist 301 52479 undefined 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
edex-ui 445 31634 JavaScript A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
TrafficMonitor 146 11754 C++ 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。
awesome-talks 200 4513 undefined Awesome online talks and screencasts
umami 330 7515 JavaScript Umami is a simple, fast, website analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
51 2155 Java 停车场系统源码,停车场小程序,智能停车,Parking system,【功能介绍】:①兼容市面上主流的多家相机,理论上兼容所有硬件,可灵活扩展,②相机识别后数据自动上传到云端并记录,校验相机唯一id和硬件序列号,防止非法数据录入,③用户手机查询停车记录详情可自主缴费(支持微信,支付宝,银行接口支付,支持每个停车场指定不同的商户进行收款),支付后出场在免费时间内会自动抬杆。④支持app上查询附近停车
googletest 57 22074 C++ GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
PythonDataScienceHandbook 146 29354 Jupyter Notebook Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
php-developer-roadmap 53 307 undefined This is PHP Developer Roadmap
awesome 163 161186 Shell 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
terraform-provider-azurerm 23 2582 Go Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
ClickHouse 117 16078 C++ ClickHouse® is a free analytics DBMS for big data
covid19india-react 189 5989 JavaScript Tracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager 81 798 Python This is a Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting that is simple, easy-to-use, and reliable.
next.js 257 67349 JavaScript The React Framework
feign 50 7013 Java Feign makes writing java http clients easier



html/js/cssのボイラープレート。 ボイラープレートと言うからindex.htmlのheaderとかmanifest.jsonがバッチリ設定されているのかと思ったけどそうではなかった。web製作者向けのボイラープレートにしてはちょっと微妙に感じる






  • caddy
  • enzyme
  • Mitigation Storategies
    • Graceful Degression
    • Backpressure
    • Loadshifting



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
privacybot 91 248 JavaScript
Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager 107 616 Python This is a Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting that is simple, easy-to-use, and reliable.
html5-boilerplate 214 50235 JavaScript A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
syncthing 438 37605 Go Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
assets 91 1017 TypeScript A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
lima 294 1184 Go Lima: Linux-on-Mac (“macOS subsystem for Linux”, “containerd for Mac”)
Quake3e 82 599 C Improved Quake III Arena engine
simplepy 67 498 Python These are some simple projects written in Python.
awesome-talks 319 4027 undefined Awesome online talks and screencasts
Front-End-Checklist 468 51810 undefined 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
eattheblocks 49 896 JavaScript Source code for Eat The Blocks, a screencast for Ethereum Dapp Developers
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 396 38634 undefined 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
project-based-learning 222 49792 undefined Curated list of project-based tutorials
awesome 243 160846 Shell 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
dogecoin 313 9931 C++ very currency
workshop 51 1931 Jupyter Notebook AI and Machine Learning with Kubeflow, Amazon EKS, and SageMaker
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit-zh 113 3855 undefined 程序员应该访问的最佳网站中文版
send-my 229 1000 C Upload arbitrary data via Apple’s Find My network.
PhotorealismEnhancement 158 554 HTML Code & Data for Enhancing Photorealism Enhancement
nodebestpractices 197 65833 JavaScript ✅ The Node.js best practices list (May 2021)
charlotte 79 193 Python c++ fully undetected shellcode launcher ;)
MLEP-public 35 99 Jupyter Notebook Public repo for DeepLearning.AI MLEP Specialization
bepro-js 25 88 JavaScript The repository contains a comprehensive documentation of the ecosystem as a javascript framework. If you are new to BEPRO, you might want to check out the Website Overview or our public
cypress 269 30999 JavaScript Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
developer-roadmap 148 159731 undefined Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
syncthing 627 37270 Go Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
srs 440 13561 C++ SRS is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT/GB28181.
ExpressLRS 59 690 C++ STM32/ESP32/ESP8285 based High Performance Radio Link for Quads
assets 122 955 TypeScript A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
send-my 406 824 C Upload arbitrary data via Apple’s Find My network.
notion-sdk-js 239 570 TypeScript
css-protips 208 17357 undefined A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro
aws-saas-boost 131 395 Java
dogecoin 287 9693 C++ very currency
Front-End-Checklist 277 51429 undefined 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
PhotorealismEnhancement 182 450 HTML Code & Data for Enhancing Photorealism Enhancement
mangadesk 111 274 Go Terminal client for MangaDex 📖
dust 68 383 JavaScript 繁华 不过一掬细沙
html5-boilerplate 107 50070 JavaScript A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
shardingsphere 48 13859 Java Distributed Database Ecosphere
CheatSheetSeries 125 16705 Python The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
project-based-learning 313 49598 undefined Curated list of project-based tutorials
sa-token 139 2957 Java 这可能是史上功能最全的Java权限认证框架!目前已集成——登录认证、权限认证、分布式Session会话、微服务网关鉴权、单点登录、OAuth2.0、踢人下线、Redis集成、前后台分离、记住我模式、模拟他人账号、临时身份切换、账号封禁、多账号认证体系、注解式鉴权、路由拦截式鉴权、花式token生成、自动续签、同端互斥登录、会话治理、密码加密、jwt集成、Spring集成、WebFlux集成…
Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager 68 530 Python This is a Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting that is simple, easy-to-use, and reliable.
awesome-talks 214 3782 undefined Awesome online talks and screencasts
leveldb 90 24833 C++ LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
substrate 71 4593 Rust Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators
nodebestpractices 310 65689 JavaScript ✅ The Node.js best practices list (May 2021)
folly 38 17006 C++ An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
thrift 46 8350 C++ Apache Thrift



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
voc-poc 36 191 JavaScript A PoC for USB video out from the DJI FPV Goggles, inspired by The Video Out Club
Binance-volatility-trading-bot 199 868 Python This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that measures the volatility of every coin on Binance and places trades with the highest gaining coins If you like this project consider donating though
assets 81 804 TypeScript A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
symfony 51 25314 PHP The Symfony PHP framework
dust 11 298 JavaScript 繁华 不过一掬细沙
Project_CodeNet 119 279 ANTLR This repository is to support contributions for tools for the Project CodeNet dataset hosted in DAX
react-native-push-notification 26 5788 Java React Native Local and Remote Notifications
project-based-learning 174 49253 undefined Curated list of project-based tutorials
leetcode-master 276 8493 undefined LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
czkawka 478 3188 Rust Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
flask 96 55066 Python The Python micro framework for building web applications.
C-Plus-Plus 202 12548 C++ Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
sa-token 62 2776 Java 这可能是史上功能最全的Java权限认证框架!目前已集成——登录认证、权限认证、分布式Session会话、微服务网关鉴权、单点登录、OAuth2.0、踢人下线、Redis集成、前后台分离、记住我模式、模拟他人账号、临时身份切换、账号封禁、多账号认证体系、注解式鉴权、路由拦截式鉴权、花式token生成、自动续签、同端互斥登录、会话治理、密码加密、jwt集成、Spring集成、WebFlux集成…
Front-End-Checklist 193 50976 undefined 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
CS-Notes 165 128283 Java 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计
srs 254 13034 C++ SRS is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT/GB28181.
30-seconds-of-code 334 75540 JavaScript Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
RandomX 71 894 C++ Proof of work algorithm based on random code execution
JavaGuide 125 103607 Java 「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
nodebestpractices 122 65344 JavaScript ✅ The Node.js best practices list (May 2021)
Web-Dev-For-Beginners 428 23018 JavaScript 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 315 37665 undefined 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
css-protips 70 17053 undefined A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro
chakra-ui 93 17913 TypeScript ⚡️ Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications
realsense-ros 15 1222 C++ Intel(R) RealSense(TM) ROS Wrapper for D400 series, SR300 Camera and T265 Tracking Module



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
dust 43 224 JavaScript 繁华 不过一掬细沙
playground-macos 446 1342 JavaScript My portfolio website simulating macOS’s GUI, developed with React and tailwindcss.
srs 306 12477 C++ SRS is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT/GB28181.
slidev 1221 7060 TypeScript Presentation Slides for Developers (Public Beta 🎉)
Binance-volatility-trading-bot 231 425 Python This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that measures the volatility of every coin on Binance and places trades with the highest gaining coins If you like this project consider donating though
python-cheatsheet 388 23166 Python Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet
Web-Dev-For-Beginners 512 22211 JavaScript 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer
zx 2589 11173 JavaScript A tool for writing better scripts
CS-Notes 106 127968 Java 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计
leetcode-master 242 7959 undefined LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 420 37020 undefined 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
cheatsheets 157 4065 Python Official Matplotlib cheat sheets
applied-methods-phd 59 720 TeX Repo for Yale Applied Empirical Methods PHD Course
applied-ml 201 10058 undefined 📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
shenyu 107 4412 Java High-Performance Java API Gateway
JavaGuide 87 103394 Java 「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!
nacos 62 17600 Java an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
the-book-of-secret-knowledge 266 39415 undefined A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
pulsar 66 8201 Java Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
CPlusPlusThings 82 12226 C++ C++那些事
czkawka 213 2411 Rust Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
30-seconds-of-code 507 74862 JavaScript Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
vscode-sftp 56 1213 TypeScript Super fast sftp/ftp extension for VS Code
gnet 157 4404 Go 🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go./ gnet 是一个高性能、轻量级、非阻塞的事件驱动 Go 网络框架。
jd_docker 68 889 Shell 借用的github账号,仅用查看环境变量文档与教程,反馈issue使用



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
slidev 890 4564 TypeScript Presentation Slides for Developers (Public Beta 🎉)
milvus 182 5924 Go An open source embedding vector similarity search engine powered by Faiss, NMSLIB and Annoy
zx 1074 5808 JavaScript A tool for writing better scripts
system-design-primer 392 130625 Python Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard 378 1514 Dart Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
CS-Notes 128 127695 Java 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计
shenyu 128 4201 Java High-Performance Java API Gateway
leetcode-master 259 7506 undefined LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道题目详细刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
dust 30 135 JavaScript 繁华 不过一掬细沙
CPlusPlusThings 68 12050 C++ C++那些事
srs 25 11966 C++ SRS is a simple, high efficiency and realtime video server, supports RTMP/WebRTC/HLS/HTTP-FLV/SRT/GB28181.
Ventoy 220 17285 C A new bootable USB solution.
the-art-of-command-line 389 88533 undefined Master the command line, in one page
pulsar 83 8080 Java Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
element-plus 56 9715 Vue 🎉 A Vue.js 3.0 UI Library made by Element team
vue-element-admin 34 67411 Vue 🎉 A magical vue admin
interview 223 13237 undefined Everything you need to prepare for your technical interview
dogecoin 158 8673 C++ very currency
awesome-interview-questions 281 40320 undefined A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
the-book-of-secret-knowledge 383 38901 undefined A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 567 36267 undefined 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
awesome-cheatsheets 304 19467 JavaScript 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
coding-interview-university 484 168748 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
tech-interview-handbook 386 53476 JavaScript 💯 Materials to help you rock your next coding interview
alacritty 324 31870 Rust A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.




ViteとVue3をベースとしているため、アニメーションの設定はmarkdownに<div v-click="3">のように記述できる。


「useful, well-written, and otherwise “beautiful."」なドキュメントや有用なドキュメントの書き方を集めたリポジトリ。



  • Redis Commands - Most of the Redis docs are exceptional, but this section really epitomizes the combination of good design and usability. And all the individual command pages give you the ability to test things out without leaving the page. Pretty close to perfect.
  • Digital Ocean API Docs - These docs are stellar. Examples are abundant and the organization makes each component of the API easy to reason about. (contributed by @jasonaibrahim)
  • TomDoc - A specification for Ruby library API docs by @mojombo (contributed by @lenary)


リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard 542 1227 Dart Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
pyston 244 719 Python A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
slidev 1643 3717 TypeScript Presentation Slides for Developers (Public Beta 🎉)
covid-vaccine-booking 121 355 Python This very basic script can be used to automate some steps on Co-WIN Platform.
leetcode-master 167 7349 undefined LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道题目详细刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
milvus 65 5752 Go An open source embedding vector similarity search engine powered by Faiss, NMSLIB and Annoy
one-day-one-npm-lib 372 630 undefined 这本小书会带你造 10 个非常实用的 npm 库 📦
gomorra-sql 313 581 Java SQL made uagliò.
audacity 281 4872 C Audio Editor
the-book-of-secret-knowledge 505 38640 undefined A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
rufus 622 14453 C The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
react-use 129 22156 TypeScript React Hooks — 👍
beautiful-docs 258 5369 undefined Pointers to useful, well-written, and otherwise beautiful documentation.
awesome-cheatsheets 479 19225 JavaScript 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
alacritty 235 31564 Rust A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 238 35945 undefined 🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
Sentinel 39 16075 Java A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件)
the-art-of-command-line 787 88226 undefined Master the command line, in one page
shenyu 89 4132 Java High-Performance Java API Gateway
weekly 72 15946 undefined 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布
canal 70 18861 Java 阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件
winbox 849 3535 JavaScript WinBox is a professional HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source!
nocode 188 46973 Dockerfile The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
kcp 164 551 Go kcp is a prototype of a Kubernetes API server that is not a Kubernetes cluster - a place to create, update, and maintain Kube-like APis with controllers above or without clusters.
iceberg 32 1509 Java Apache Iceberg



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
covid-vaccine-booking 88 299 Python This very basic script can be used to automate some steps on Co-WIN Platform.
slidev 960 2723 TypeScript Presentation Slides for Developers (Public Beta 🎉)
uniswap-v3-core 73 793 TypeScript 🦄 🦄 🦄 Core smart contracts of Uniswap v3
pixie 183 1259 C++ Instant Kubernetes-Native Application Observability
flutter 223 120045 Dart Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
axios 144 84146 JavaScript Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
orbit 108 881 TypeScript
dogecoin 239 8316 C++ very currency
Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard 394 920 Dart Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
the-art-of-command-line 513 87838 undefined Master the command line, in one page
public-apis 629 122890 Python A collective list of free APIs
coding-interview-university 535 167956 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
kcp 115 458 Go kcp is a prototype of a Kubernetes API server that is not a Kubernetes cluster - a place to create, update, and maintain Kube-like APis with controllers above or without clusters.
awesome-cheatsheets 265 18922 JavaScript 👩‍💻👨‍💻 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
the-book-of-secret-knowledge 268 38282 undefined A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
openhaystack 155 1660 Swift Build your own ‘AirTags’ 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple’s massive Find My network.
awesome-python 225 97292 Python A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
counterfit 93 242 Python a CLI that provides a generic automation layer for assessing the security of ML models
awesome-cs-books 120 4075 undefined 经典编程书籍大全,涵盖:计算机系统与网络、系统架构、算法与数据结构、前端开发、后端开发、移动开发、数据库、测试、项目与团队、程序员职业修炼、求职面试等
audacity 203 4724 C Audio Editor
uniswap-v3-periphery 52 259 TypeScript 🦄 🦄 🦄 Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap v3
pdf 72 6813 undefined 编程电子书,电子书,编程书籍,包括C,C#,Docker,Elasticsearch,Git,Hadoop,HeadFirst,Java,Javascript,jvm,Kafka,Linux,Maven,MongoDB,MyBatis,MySQL,Netty,Nginx,Python,RabbitMQ,Redis,Scala,Solr,Spark,Spring,SpringBoot,SpringC
console 73 302 Rust tokio-console prototypes
DataX 39 8733 Java
storybook 218 61491 TypeScript 📓 The UI component explorer. Develop, document, & test React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember, Svelte & more!







リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard 302 628 Dart Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
covid-vaccine-booking 103 225 Python This very basic script can be used to automate COVID-19 vaccination slot booking on India’s Co-WIN Platform.
harbor 103 14769 Go An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
public-apis 787 122369 Python A collective list of free APIs
coding-interview-university 560 167508 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
OnlyFans 157 1494 Python Scrape all the media from an OnlyFans account - Updated regularly
cinder 265 1157 Python Instagram’s performance oriented fork of CPython.
awesome-python 251 97107 Python A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
the-art-of-command-line 597 87405 undefined Master the command line, in one page
dogecoin 260 8117 C++ very currency
vnquant 22 133 HTML VietNam Data Stock Market Price
audacity 207 4558 C Audio Editor
uniswap-v3-periphery 46 217 TypeScript 🦄 🦄 🦄 Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap v3
Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager 44 171 Python This is a Cross-Platform Plot Manager for Chia Plotting that is simple, easy-to-use, and reliable.
flutter 146 119866 Dart Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond.
react-use 119 22022 TypeScript React Hooks — 👍
thinking-in-data 98 262 undefined A VS Code extension pack to help users visualize, understand, and interact with data.
forem 137 16595 Ruby For empowering community 🌱
counterfit 69 162 Python a CLI that provides a generic automation layer for assessing the security of ML models
uniswap-v3-core 51 729 TypeScript 🦄 🦄 🦄 Core smart contracts of Uniswap v3
ionic-framework 150 44023 TypeScript A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
wave 276 2421 PHP Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
sds3 37 195 undefined
angular-cli 35 24469 TypeScript CLI tool for Angular
dogehouse 106 8262 TypeScript Taking voice conversations to the moon 🚀







これも上記と同種の、COVID-19のワクチン接種を予約するためのツール。スクリプトではなくwebシステムに見えるけど、これがJupyter Notebookでできるのか…驚き…







リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
covid-vaccine-booking 75 118 Python This very basic script can be used to automate COVID-19 vaccination slot booking on India’s Co-WIN Platform.
OnlyFans 148 1332 Python Scrape all the media from an OnlyFans account - Updated regularly
public-apis 622 121528 Python A collective list of free APIs
imersaodados3 57 182 Jupyter Notebook Projeto de data science para imersão dados
docs 114 3943 JavaScript The open-source repo for
the-art-of-command-line 505 86771 undefined Master the command line, in one page
dogecoin 279 7837 C++ very currency
wave 255 2095 PHP Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
coding-interview-university 454 166937 undefined A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Javascript 224 10545 JavaScript A repository for All algorithms implemented in Javascript (for educational purposes only)
sds3 41 155 undefined
terraform-aws-eks 31 1913 HCL Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS
plzoo 43 1037 OCaml Programming Languages Zoo
NodeRelax-Blender-Addon 38 161 Python Helps to arrange nodes
ionic-framework 200 43871 TypeScript A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
cowin-vaccination-slot-availability 18 101 Jupyter Notebook Script to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India
adsec 57 220 PowerShell An introduction to Active Directory security
free-programming-books 284 186827 undefined 📚 Freely available programming books
kubernetes-the-hard-way 118 26390 undefined Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
stack-on-a-budget 219 9834 undefined A collection of services with great free tiers for developers on a budget. Sponsored by Mockoon, the best mock API tool.
chia-blockchain 186 5864 Python Chia blockchain python implementation (full node, farmer, harvester, timelord, and wallet)
helmfile 41 3033 Go Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts
storybook 165 61154 TypeScript 📓 The UI component explorer. Develop, document, & test React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember, Svelte & more!
thanos 132 8336 Go Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.
audacity 156 4341 C Audio Editor



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
VaccineAvailabilityNotifier 86 415 JavaScript
kubernetes-the-hard-way 167 26276 undefined Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
OnlyFans 116 1192 Python Scrape all the media from an OnlyFans account - Updated regularly
dino 233 1415 Python PyTorch code for Vision Transformers training with the Self-Supervised learning method DINO
docs 145 3838 JavaScript The open-source repo for
cowin-vaccination-slot-availability 30 82 Jupyter Notebook Script to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India
flashlight 113 3561 C++ A C++ standalone library for machine learning
wave 166 1842 PHP Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
tldr 214 32252 Markdown 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
whatfreewords 33 104 HTML
Javascript 215 10324 JavaScript A repository for All algorithms implemented in Javascript (for educational purposes only)
dogecoin 216 7565 C++ very currency
thefuck 138 61182 Python Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
openpilot 269 24751 C++ openpilot is an open source driver assistance system. openpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 100 supported car makes and models.
covid19-vaccine-tracker 22 60 HTML Covid-19 Vaccines Near me
vfat-tools 37 355 JavaScript
fork-explorer 16 50 TypeScript Check how a BIP9-like softfork signalling goes
the-art-of-command-line 377 86286 undefined Master the command line, in one page
linux 171 111141 C Linux kernel source tree
tips 176 19331 JavaScript Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
chroma 70 2738 Go A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
amplify-cli 42 2121 TypeScript The AWS Amplify CLI is a toolchain for simplifying serverless web and mobile development.
solidity 100 10028 C++ Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
interactsh 60 232 Go An OOB interaction gathering server and client library
ionic-framework 176 43685 TypeScript A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
dino 345 1191 Python PyTorch code for Vision Transformers training with the Self-Supervised learning method DINO
kubernetes-the-hard-way 150 26117 undefined Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
chia-blockchain 166 5547 Python Chia blockchain python implementation (full node, farmer, harvester, timelord, and wallet)
supabase 371 11632 TypeScript The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.
frontend 35 111 TypeScript frontend
tensorflow-deep-learning 209 739 Jupyter Notebook All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
dogecoin 154 7359 C++ very currency
wave 219 1685 PHP Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
OnlyFans 148 1077 Python Scrape all the media from an OnlyFans account - Updated regularly
twint 108 10310 Python An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn’t use Twitter’s API, allowing you to scrape a user’s followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
interactsh 41 176 Go An OOB interaction gathering server and client library
android_hid 42 901 Shell Use Android as Rubber Ducky against another Android device
openpilot 328 24494 C++ openpilot is an open source driver assistance system. openpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 100 supported car makes and models.
Javascript 156 10116 JavaScript A repository for All algorithms implemented in Javascript (for educational purposes only)
uniswap-interface 62 1620 TypeScript 🦄 An open source interface for the Uniswap protocol
Funkin 42 1048 Haxe 152 881 JavaScript
flashlight 86 3451 C++ A C++ standalone library for machine learning
PowerToys 236 54115 C# Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
docs 120 3710 JavaScript The open-source repo for
jd_docker 23 486 Shell 仅用查看文档
COVID-19 26 26470 undefined Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
vfat-tools 23 321 JavaScript
cowin-vaccination-slot-availability 25 54 Jupyter Notebook Script to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India
relly 41 251 Rust RDBMS のしくみを学ぶための小さな RDBMS 実装



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
thefuck 607 60826 Python Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
raydium-ui 127 151 TypeScript
wave 570 1483 PHP Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
binance-trading-bot 336 1787 JavaScript Automated Binance trading bot - Buy low/Sell high with stop loss limit/Trade multiple cryptocurrencies
rust 202 54515 Rust Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
PowerToys 276 53902 C# Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
OnlyFans 102 938 Python Scrape all the media from an OnlyFans account - Updated regularly
HelloGitHub 287 40791 Python 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目
tldr 332 31862 Markdown 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
LibAFL 217 237 Rust Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your Fuzzer together in Rust! Scales across cores and machines. For Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux, no_std, …
supabase 1359 11275 TypeScript The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.
dino 840 862 Python PyTorch code for Vision Transformers training with the Self-Supervised learning method DINO
33-js-concepts 218 39478 JavaScript 📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know.
essential-cardano 68 69 undefined Repository for the Essential Cardano list
realtime 679 3185 Elixir Listen to your to PostgreSQL database in realtime via websockets. Built with Elixir.
openpilot 915 24189 C++ openpilot is an open source driver assistance system. openpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 100 supported car makes and models.
space-cloud 705 2785 Go Open source Firebase + Heroku to develop, scale and secure serverless apps on Kubernetes
tensorflow-deep-learning 192 533 Jupyter Notebook All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
vaultwarden 227 8751 Rust Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
datasets 578 7949 Python 🤗 The largest hub of ready-to-use NLP datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools
v 104 23613 V Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies.
tips 320 19008 JavaScript Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
Reference-Guide-For-Quantum-Computing-A-Microsoft-Garage-Project 96 123 Jupyter Notebook This repository hosts the Reference Guide for Quantum Computing, a Microsoft Garage project
plotman 61 335 Python Chia plotting manager
popcorn-desktop 114 5852 JavaScript Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) A Butter-Project Fork







Raydium is an automated market maker (AMM) built on the Solana blockchain which leverages the central order book of the Serum decentralized exchange (DEX) to enable lightning-fast trades, shared liquidity and new features for earning yield.




いろいろな情報が収集可能で、 例えば投稿された写真から住所を取得するようなコマンド(多分画像のEXIFを取得している…?)やフォロワーの電話番号を取得するコマンドもある。



こういう便利ツールは、あまり個々のツールへの理解がないまま導入すると、メンテナンスのコストが跳ね上がってしまうのであまり実用的ではないと思う。ここのツールへの理解がある開発者が利用するのはお勧めできるがそういう人は自分でボイラープレートを持っているような気もする… 🤔





Writing an OS in Rustを早く終わらせてGWに余裕があればやりたい…👀



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
supabase 1008 10837 TypeScript The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta.
kmm-production-sample 182 412 Kotlin
openpilot 601 23867 C++ openpilot is an open source driver assistance system. openpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 100 supported car makes and models.
project-layout 236 23261 Makefile Standard Go Project Layout
raydium-ui 51 83 TypeScript
twint 212 10092 Python An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn’t use Twitter’s API, allowing you to scrape a user’s followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
jd_docker 114 414 Shell 仅用查看文档
JDDJ 21 108 JavaScript 京东到家果园庄园脚本,电报群:
slides 73 1690 Go it is a repository to store all slides used by Triton Ho’s public presentation and course.
SpringAll 78 19428 Java 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
cs-video-courses 349 23142 undefined List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
android_hid 64 824 Shell Use Android as Rubber Ducky against another Android device
leetcode 353 3670 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
flashlight 174 3305 C++ A C++ standalone library for machine learning
Osintgram 64 1877 Python Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram. It offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname
binance-trading-bot 277 1665 JavaScript Automated Binance trading bot - Buy low/Sell high with stop loss limit/Trade multiple cryptocurrencies
javascript-algorithms 522 105918 JavaScript 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
nx 73 7015 TypeScript Powerful, Extensible Dev Tools
winbox 618 2294 JavaScript WinBox is a professional HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source!
wave 248 1179 PHP Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
HelloGitHub 204 40715 Python 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目
PaddleDetection 157 2998 Python Object detection and instance segmentation toolkit based on PaddlePaddle.
learning-systems-programming-in-rust 116 224 Rust 「Rustでもわかるシステムプログラミング」
terraform-provider-azurerm 37 2516 Go Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
CheatSheetSeries 140 16265 Python The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics.



リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
Python 468 105082 Python All Algorithms implemented in Python 35 62 Ruby
javascript-algorithms 398 105435 JavaScript 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
openssl 128 15498 C TLS/SSL and crypto library
leetcode 307 3321 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
cs-video-courses 211 22801 undefined List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
winbox 678 1677 JavaScript WinBox is a professional HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source!
project-layout 164 23041 Makefile Standard Go Project Layout
SagerNet 147 876 Kotlin The universal proxy toolchain for Android.
binance-trading-bot 233 1390 JavaScript Automated Binance trading bot - Buy low/Sell high with stop loss limit/Trade multiple cryptocurrencies
AntSimulator 67 1377 C++ Simple Ants simulator
open-project-1 156 3423 C# Unity Open Project #1: Chop Chop
vuetify 245 30551 TypeScript 🐉 Material Component Framework for Vue
Python-100-Days 166 102792 Python Python - 100天从新手到大师
ansible 73 47989 Python Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud
clean-code-javascript 170 50964 JavaScript 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
terraform-provider-azurerm 26 2481 Go Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
project-based-learning 192 48399 undefined Curated list of project-based tutorials
SpringAll 76 19354 Java 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
qemu_blog 124 508 undefined A series of posts about QEMU internals
swift-composable-architecture 41 3692 Swift A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Graphics 56 890 C# Unity Graphics - Including Scriptable Render Pipeline
tensorflow 144 155432 C++ An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
OpenCorePkg 67 7048 C OpenCore bootloader






CPUのアーキテクチャ?はARM64bitで作っているらしい。Writing an OS in Rustではx86-64なので微妙にCPUの実装方法が異なるのだろうか 🤔


リポジトリ名 日間⭐ トータル⭐️ 言語 説明
SagerNet 154 719 Kotlin The universal proxy toolchain for Android.
binance-trading-bot 212 1183 JavaScript Automated Binance trading bot - Buy low/Sell high with stop loss limit/Trade multiple cryptocurrencies
Python 522 104632 Python All Algorithms implemented in Python
go-gin-api 99 1282 Go 基于 Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行快速的业务研发。比如,支持 cors 跨域、jwt 签名验证、zap 日志收集、panic 异常捕获、trace 链路追踪、prometheus 监控指标、swagger 文档生成、viper 配置文件解析、gorm 数据库组件、gormgen 代码生成工具、graphql 查询语言、errno 统一定义错误码、gR
NoCol 94 510 C++ Trajectories finder
javascript-algorithms 448 105053 JavaScript 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
OpenCorePkg 19 6978 C OpenCore bootloader
free-programming-books 377 185716 undefined 📚 Freely available programming books
open-project-1 85 3269 C# Unity Open Project #1: Chop Chop
assets 43 584 TypeScript A comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
project-based-learning 226 48231 undefined Curated list of project-based tutorials
rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials 224 4110 Rust 📚 Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust 🦀
qemu_blog 101 379 undefined A series of posts about QEMU internals
Python-100-Days 161 102643 Python Python - 100天从新手到大师
Slime-Simulation 48 410 C#
longzhuzhu 20 109 JavaScript
yolov5-face 36 180 Python
plan9 52 205 C Plan 9 History, from 1992-09-21 to 2015-01-10.
mlflow 65 9076 Python Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
tensorboard 61 5342 TypeScript TensorFlow’s Visualization Toolkit
leetcode 160 2976 Java 😏 LeetCode solutions in any programming language
winbox 120 1001 JavaScript WinBox is a professional HTML5 window manager for the web: lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies, fully customizable, open source!
nodebestpractices 327 64362 JavaScript ✅ The Node.js best practices list (April 2021)
Slides 47 130 undefined A collection of slides from Singular Security Lab.
lottie-ios 61 21419 Swift An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations

See also